山本 菜美

山本 菜美

  • ・英検・TOEIC対策
  • ・英文法クリニック
  • ・インタビュー&スピーキング
  • ・リーディング&ライティング
  • ・Hospitality Service English

Keep questioning yourself,
keep finding your answers,
and don't hesitate in asking for a help!

  • 趣味は?
  • Traveling, playing the piano, singing songs, baking, and doing yoga.
  • 自慢できる特技は?
  • Fishing, playing the piano, and giving a massage or a bodywork therapy! I'm pretty good at massaging!
  • 休日の過ごし方は?
  • I enjoy yoga, and reading. If I have more than 2 days off, I go traveling.
  • 20歳のころはどんな自分だった?
  • I was an university student but busy at work as a cram school teacher and a portrait model.
  • 自分を動物に例えると?
  • A well tamed cat. I get grumpy when I'm hungry, and I'm always in a good mood in the morning. But my most favorite animals are tigers and giraffes!!!
  • 主人公を演じてみたい作品は?
  • Tracy from "Hair Spray" She is so good at singing and dancing! I wish I could do like her!